Calculus I (fundamentals)  

Obligatory base module 1 Learning outcomes After passing this course the student: 1. knows definitions of matrix, inverse matrix; is able to multiplicate matrices and find inverse matrix; 2. knows properties of determinants, is able to evaluate determinants; 3. is able to solve systems of linear equations; 4. is able to find vectors dot product, cross product in space and knows their applications; 5. is able to construct equation formulas for lines and planes in space, find their position; 6. knows the definition of the function and general classes of functions and their graphs; 7. is familiar with the main properties of the limit, is able to find liimits; knows, what is continous function; 8. is familiar with the notions of the derivative, the differential; is able to find derivatives and differentials; knows the most important applications of derivatives; 9. knows the l'Hospital rule and knows how to use it; 10. knows how to investigate functions, when they are decreasing/increasing; 11. knows, what is antiderivates and how to find them in simpler case; 12. knows, what is definite integral and how to calculate it; 13. knows applications of definite integral; 14. knows, what are improper integrals with infinite limits of integration and how to find them; 15. chooses suitable mathematical conceptions (formulae) for problems, and applies these conceptions while solving problems. Brief description of content Linearalgebra. Vectors in space, their dot and vector product. Lines and planes in space. Functions, limits and continuity. Derivatives and applications of derivatives. Antiderivatives. Definite integrals and their applications, improper integral with infinite limits of integration.
Calculus I (fundamentals)

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